Are you a company operating in the automotive, aerospace, tiles and brick, construction, or defense industry? Are Lightweight Ceramics or Concrete an essential part of your business? Take part in the LightCoce Open Call!
What is the LightCoce Open call?
The LightCoce open call is addressed to companies and especially SMEs around Europe operating in the fields of concrete or ceramics, both conventional and advanced ones, interested in developing novel concepts within the lightweight, advanced concrete or ceramic materials’ value chain.
LightCoce is a project funded by the European Commission which developed an Open Innovation Testbed for the upscaling of technologies relating to lightweight ceramics and concrete.
Interested companies can enter the LightCoce ecosystem free of charge and develop new business ideas benefiting from the services provided by highly specialized organizations, including access to five pilot lines for concrete and ceramics’ upscaling and testing, as well as complementary services supporting the commercialization of these materials, such as characterization, process modeling, quality assurance, and monitoring, standardization, safety, market uptake, and innovation management services.
Who should apply?
SMEs, large enterprise and industry as well as R&D organizations, who are legally established in an EU member state or a third country and operating in the fields of concrete or ceramics and are interested in the concept of innovation.
Sectors in which the open call is addressed include construction, automotive, and aerospace.
Why should you apply?
Free of charge access to all services and facilities available in the LightCoce ecosystem; the opportunity to innovate and develop your business idea through a one-stop shop; receive mentoring and support from highly specialized experts; opportunity of networking and establishing a long-term relationship with key industry players.
How to apply?
The open call will be launched through the LightCoce online platform at the end of May 2021 and applications are welcome until the end of August, with an intermediate cut-off date in the end of June. More information will be published in the upcoming period. Stay tuned!